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Dongguan Zhanzhan Hardware Products Co., Ltd

Custom phone:18925792969

Product Center

Custom phone18925792969

Electronic industry

Pubdate:2020-04-25 10:15:16Hits:3019

合作客户:深圳市XXX科技有限公司 客户简介:深圳市XXX科技有限公司是一家专注于电子产品、数码产品、电子烟具的技术开发及销售;国内贸易,货物及技术进出口。电子产品、数码产品、电子烟具的生产。 项目名称:电...

Partner: Shenzhen XXX Technology Co., Ltd

Customer profile: Shenzhen XXX Technology Co., Ltd. is a company specializing in the technical development and sales of electronic products, digital products, electronic cigarette sets; domestic trade, import and export of goods and technology. Production of electronic products, digital products and electronic cigarette sets.

Project Name: electronic cigarette shell

Production quantity: 300000

Customer requirements: market orientation, fashionable, classic, simple design, elegant materials and advanced technology

Product delivery: we provide customers with a variety of product colors, including baking paint pink, blue, orange red, bronze, milk white, etc., to meet customers' needs.

Lead time: generally, the delivery in the same industry will be about 12 days, and the delivery of BOC will be 8 days.

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